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 Poor Y! student (update july, 7th) 3rd WU form

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 5:46 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

Since I was bored yesterday without my lads, I decided to give Y! scambaiting a little spin, seemes to work great, are there ANY real small business people on there? damn...

So, someone was asking for a 'dignified businessman' I decided that m.a.plefield was PERFECT for this job:

This guy really sickens me because he keeps trying to convince me of his honesty with his references to 'allah' and his 'religion'... grrrr


Conversation with oxide20002006 at 2005-06-27 01:48:00 on plefield (yahoo)
(01:48:10) mary antoinette: I am a well-established business women
(01:48:14) mary antoinette: is that ok too?
(01:48:38) oxide20002006: plz lady . can u do a favour in me with ur permission please
(01:48:49) oxide20002006: i am really badly in needing of money
(01:48:52) mary antoinette: what can I do for you son?
(01:48:57) oxide20002006: and ALLAH only is aware of that
(01:49:02) oxide20002006: okay
(01:49:05) oxide20002006: i will tell u lady
(01:51:26) oxide20002006: i made some designs for pages on my computer which can be put on the back of t-shirts .and i have six designs on a disk and they are too good and pretty but some one told me befor he will buy a design of them with 700$ and i sent him the design .but he was a thief , he didnot send me my money . and i am really badly in needing of money to arrange my life here in egypt and ALLAH onlu is aware of that lady . and i cant lie because i am muslim
(01:51:28) oxide20002006: that is all
(01:51:34) oxide20002006: and u can think in my words
(01:51:38) oxide20002006: and u can judge then
(01:51:42) oxide20002006: as u like lady
(01:51:57) mary antoinette: hmm
(01:52:13) mary antoinette: I think that is very sad for you mister!
(01:52:20) mary antoinette: what would you use my money for prey?
(01:53:49) oxide20002006: no dear lady . if u were dignified business woman , and if u buy my designs . i will be glad for u too much because i need these money to complete my education in america and to give my parents some of these money as well
(01:53:52) oxide20002006: that is all lady
(01:54:11) oxide20002006: and ALLAH only is aware of that
(01:54:19) oxide20002006: i know that i am noisy boy for u
(01:54:21) oxide20002006: but
(01:54:24) oxide20002006: what can i do
(01:54:41) mary antoinette: hmmm
(01:54:48) mary antoinette: I might be interested
(01:55:22) oxide20002006: :)
(01:55:34) mary antoinette: but, do you think you can send me an un-printable low-quality version so I can judge?
(01:55:37) mary antoinette: just one would do
(01:56:52) oxide20002006: i am ready ladsy , but how can i do it for u , it is the first time for me in the world of marketing and business online , and i dont know any thing but i am too honest because my religion learned me that
(01:57:28) mary antoinette: hmm... I am sure you have still got the original designs on your computer?
(01:57:55) oxide20002006: yes lady , i have them on my computer dear.
(01:58:09) mary antoinette: can you not make a low-quality file for it?
(01:59:04) oxide20002006: belive me lady ,belive me . i cannot do it . and i can swear to u if u want that dear. the only thing i need from u to help me as i will be honest with u
(01:59:06) oxide20002006: that is all
(01:59:14) oxide20002006: and ALLAH only is aware of that
(01:59:29) mary antoinette: ok... I think I will be able to send you some money then, as I am deeply religous mysel
(01:59:41) mary antoinette: but, what will I get in return exactly?
(01:59:59) oxide20002006: look dear lady .
(02:00:33) oxide20002006: i have 6 designs on my computer . but may u allow me please to ask u some question after ur permission please
(02:00:34) oxide20002006: ?
(02:00:53) mary antoinette: yes, you may my son
(02:01:09) oxide20002006: thanks alot dear lady
(02:01:26) oxide20002006: how many design u want to buy
(02:01:30) oxide20002006: i have six designs
(02:01:33) oxide20002006: on my computer
(02:01:35) oxide20002006: and u can say
(02:01:37) oxide20002006: the best
(02:01:42) oxide20002006: price for u if u want
(02:01:44) mary antoinette: I shall buy all six
(02:01:55) mary antoinette: all to help a fellow believer
(02:01:56) oxide20002006: :-O
(02:02:09) oxide20002006: really , are u serious lady
(02:02:11) oxide20002006: please
(02:02:12) oxide20002006: tell me
(02:02:18) oxide20002006: for GOD,S SAKE
(02:02:32) mary antoinette: your story has moved me deeply!
(02:02:46) mary antoinette: pray, tell me where you live
(02:02:55) oxide20002006: okay dear
(02:03:03) oxide20002006: i am living in egypt cairo
(02:03:07) oxide20002006: and i am 20
(02:03:11) oxide20002006: i am still student
(02:03:14) oxide20002006: in the 2 year
(02:03:34) oxide20002006: that is all about me dear
(02:03:50) oxide20002006: and if u wannna see my full address . okay it will be for u too
(02:05:32) oxide20002006: oh . it seems that u are too busy or it looks that u changed ur opinion lady:(
(02:05:45) mary antoinette: I am a busy women dear
(02:06:08) mary antoinette: prey, tell me, what do the designs cost?
(02:06:55) oxide20002006: i am shy of u to tell u that and i told u u will select the suitable price for u , because u wanna help me and i am glad to hear u say that
(02:07:01) oxide20002006: that is all i have
(02:07:20) mary antoinette: I am sure you know what they are worth dear
(02:07:46) oxide20002006: but i am really shy to tell u the price of the onr of them , because u want to help me lady
(02:07:47) oxide20002006: okay
(02:07:49) oxide20002006: listen
(02:08:09) oxide20002006: u say what u would u like to buy for the one design and i will agree on that
(02:08:12) oxide20002006: that is for u
(02:08:16) oxide20002006: because
(02:08:19) oxide20002006: i trusted u
(02:08:29) oxide20002006: and ALLAH only is aware of that
(02:08:42) mary antoinette: I am sure you mean it dear
(02:09:08) oxide20002006: highly appreciated lady
(02:09:11) mary antoinette: but allah can not set a price from the great heavens
(02:09:52) oxide20002006: sure . it seems that u are pious and i like that kind of people because i am this kind
(02:09:58) oxide20002006: thanks for ALLAH any way
(02:10:00) oxide20002006: but
(02:10:16) oxide20002006: i am insisting on my opinion
(02:10:27) oxide20002006: u will say the price of the design
(02:10:31) oxide20002006: we are brothers
(02:10:52) mary antoinette: I hope we are brother and sister then? I am sure that is illegal otherewise
(02:11:12) oxide20002006: yeah:)
(02:11:32) mary antoinette: well, if you insist
(02:11:50) mary antoinette: does $1000 USD sound good per design? that seems fair
(02:12:51) oxide20002006: but i dont need 1000$ for each design dear dignified lady , , because u are good , i will reduce the price for 700$ for u , may u allow me plz to do it for u lady
(02:12:56) oxide20002006: may i do it plz
(02:13:03) mary antoinette: I am sure
(02:13:30) mary antoinette: you are sure you cannot send me a design in jpg?
(02:13:39) mary antoinette: a small one would be great dear
(02:15:25) oxide20002006: belive me dear , i can swear for the last time for u , that i cannot because i dont know how todo it , but infront of ur dignified ,i have to send u all designs on ur mail and u will take them and u can sell them with the highest price u want , i think u are business woman and u have an experience in the marketing the items more than me ,
(02:15:29) oxide20002006: secondly
(02:15:38) oxide20002006: i trusted u lady and
(02:15:44) oxide20002006: u must trust me as well
(02:15:49) oxide20002006: because
(02:15:54) oxide20002006: i am muslim and pious
(02:15:58) oxide20002006: as u like lady
(02:16:05) oxide20002006: u are good any way
(02:16:07) oxide20002006: because
(02:16:14) oxide20002006: u wanna help a student like me
(02:16:22) oxide20002006: highly appreciated
(02:16:46) oxide20002006: third
(02:16:48) oxide20002006: may
(02:16:49) mary antoinette: I am sure
(02:16:51) oxide20002006: u allow me
(02:16:54) oxide20002006: plz
(02:16:54) oxide20002006: to
(02:16:55) oxide20002006: tell
(02:16:59) oxide20002006: the point no 3
(02:17:04) oxide20002006: with ur permission
(02:17:05) oxide20002006: ?
(02:17:19) mary antoinette: prey, please do
(02:18:17) oxide20002006: i am not at home now i am in another cyper is far from my home and i have no the designs on this computer . i know that it is a big mistake in the business , but belive me it is the first time for me as i told u lady in th9is\
(02:18:23) oxide20002006: this new world for me
(02:18:28) oxide20002006: and for that
(02:18:47) oxide20002006: u will not send me any thing until after i send u all designs in ur inbox
(02:19:00) oxide20002006: and when u see them
(02:19:07) oxide20002006: u can buy whatever u want
(02:19:15) oxide20002006: i told u i am muslim and i mean it
(02:19:35) oxide20002006: :)+
(02:20:20) mary antoinette: OK
(02:21:33) mary antoinette: prey, [email protected]
(02:22:06) oxide20002006: okay. is that u mail
(02:22:09) oxide20002006: lady?
(02:22:18) mary antoinette: yes, pray
(02:22:43) oxide20002006: umm . may u allow me to tell u something plz
(02:22:49) oxide20002006: with ur permission
(02:22:50) oxide20002006: ?
(02:22:54) mary antoinette: prey, please do
(02:22:58) oxide20002006: okay
(02:24:26) oxide20002006: i will go to my home to bring the designs on my h.d.d and i will send u them instantly . because i swaera that my home is too far and it is getting late here in cairo now
(02:24:32) oxide20002006: do u belive me lady or not
(02:24:43) mary antoinette: yes dear
(02:25:20) oxide20002006: thanks alot . so . if i can add ur mail on yahoo. to talk to u when u are online and to report u that i sent u all designs
(02:25:27) oxide20002006: may i add u
(02:25:29) oxide20002006: ?
(02:25:35) mary antoinette: prey, please do
(02:25:43) oxide20002006: ok
(02:26:48) oxide20002006 logged in.
(02:27:22) oxide20002006: thanks alot
(02:27:23) oxide20002006: i did
(02:27:26) oxide20002006: thanks again for u
(02:27:41) oxide20002006: and here is my mail on hot mail as well
(02:27:51) oxide20002006: [email protected]
(02:28:24) oxide20002006: DO U NEED ANY THING ELSE LADY
(02:29:05) mary antoinette: no, thank you dear
(02:29:12) oxide20002006: not at all
(02:30:28) oxide20002006: okay
(02:30:35) oxide20002006: may u allow me to go
(02:30:44) oxide20002006: it is call for prayer here
(02:30:50) oxide20002006: and i have to go to the mosque
(02:30:52) mary antoinette: prey, please go
(02:31:13) oxide20002006: thanks alot , but what about u , where are u from and how old are u if i may ask u
(02:31:16) oxide20002006: befor i go
(02:32:12) mary antoinette: I am from amerika, Texas. and I am 43 years old dear
(02:34:35) oxide20002006: umm ok
(02:34:44) oxide20002006: it seems that u arebusy again
(02:34:47) oxide20002006: never mind
(02:34:56) oxide20002006: take ur time lady
(02:34:58) mary antoinette: I am here dear
(02:35:10) mary antoinette: prey, what else would you like to know dear?
(02:35:41) oxide20002006: nothing . only one thing u must know
(02:36:04) oxide20002006: u are dignified business man
(02:36:05) oxide20002006: now
(02:36:16) oxide20002006: as soon as i come back from my prayer
(02:36:21) oxide20002006: i will send u all designs
(02:36:24) oxide20002006: because
(02:36:28) oxide20002006: i trusted u lady
(02:37:53) oxide20002006: peace to be upon u lady
(02:37:58) oxide20002006: care about ur self
(02:38:04) oxide20002006: may god save u
(02:39:07) oxide20002006: bye
(02:39:08) mary antoinette: thank you dear
(02:39:16) oxide20002006: not at all
(02:39:18) oxide20002006: byeee

so, sure enough, I got the 'designs'

also, I got these pictures in BMP files :) they where like 2+MB EACH :)

Pretty sad, even for a mugu






to be continued!!!

Last edited by TMM on Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:22 pm; edited 8 times in total
Keith Nambla
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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 6:59 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

"Cool Drink" and "Diesel"... I really hope those are referring to two different products.

You are awesome and your type is rare in this sinful planet. - Mary Chung

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 27, 2005 10:44 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

After sending the following email (he did only send me 5 designs, and not the 6 he promised, stupid mugu)


hello dear,

I have received your designs, and I like them very much! But, would
you mind making some minor adjustments to your desgins?

also, you promised me 6 designs, and I got only 5... this disappoints
me, I thought we where doing this on the basis of trust?


I received this:


peace to be upon u dear mary/ i received ur mail. and thanks alot because u respected me .but i have a comment if i may say plz with ur permission

the sixth design will be with u today. because i am really trusting u too much .

and as i trust u u must trust me as well. . and i hope u help me lady as u promised me and as i trusted u dear mary

peace to u . and take care . god help u and save u

ur young brother

notice how he's my young brother now? pfff.... well, accompaning the next horrific design, was the following email:


peace to be upon u dear lady mary , here is my sixth design as i promised u .but belive me . in the first time ,i couldnot send u the whole designs because there was some error in my computer and ALLAH only is aware of that

any way, here is my sixth design and i hope u help me as u promised me lady mary

ur young brother /osama mohammed

god save u dear

Notice how he's calling me dear? Smile


hook, line and sinker, I got myself a mugu Smile

to be continued?

PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 1:57 am Reply with quoteBack to top

These are horrible. Check PM for proposed revisions. Very Happy
Jude Estrada
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 8:26 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

This is great! I almost think you should put one of these on a T-shirt to convince him you either 1)stole his designs and are selling them yourself or 2) are selling his designs and he will soon be rolling in profits.

Thank you for wasting my time,god bless you
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PostPosted: Tue Jun 28, 2005 9:44 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

Actually I was thinking about maybe putting them on tshirts with a nice eater logo or a 419 with a red cross through it or something on the front, then sell 'em to eater members. (for cost + shipping)

ehh, and just to be sure, I'll be sending the t-shirts before asking for money, and I won't be accepting WU Smile

but first, I'll have my lad make some revisions Smile
419Eater is my life

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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:52 am Reply with quoteBack to top

^^^ aw dang, i had my WU forms all ready to send ya! Wink

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South Africa
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 4:48 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

hehehe, well, nothing is final yet, I just hope people are interested in it. mugu designed t-shirts, would be fun Smile

I know I'll be making a couple for myself Smile

anyone ever had an 'offer' like this? the Y! mugus seem to be a lot more creative than the email ones Smile
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PostPosted: Wed Jun 29, 2005 6:21 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

TMM wrote:
hehehe, well, nothing is final yet, I just hope people are interested in it. mugu designed t-shirts, would be fun Smile

I know I'll be making a couple for myself Smile

anyone ever had an 'offer' like this? the Y! mugus seem to be a lot more creative than the email ones Smile

LOL i definately want a "Cool Drink" shirt. thats the shirt all the cool people will be wearing this summer!
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:09 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

And the soap opera continues.... :)

First this little email:

dont be upset dear lady. i sent u the sixth design and i hope u help me and buy any design u like with the suitable price lady which u say

ur young brother /osama mohammed

god save u

I think he's becoming a tad worried don't you? :)

I thought that some incentive would be in order now, don't you all agree?? :)


Hello dear,

I am not upset, I was just out of town for a short weekend vacation.
Tell me dear, how would you like me to pay you?

I have decided that I will pay for one design, and that I will send
you the rest of the money as soon as I get the requested changes, is
that OK?


This was a rather odd image, it contained some 1x1 px gif files? suspicous? NOOOOOOO


hello dear lady , thanks for ur mail.

but i have a comment plz if u allow me . how much the prepaid that u would like to pay plz.

u told me that u wanna pay 1000$ for the one design and i told u that i will reduce the price for u to 700$ because u wanna help me .
so. may u allow me plz lady to send me 500$ as a prepaid by dhl with ur permission .

and i will give u my full address and full name and my full number in the next e.mail when i see ur reply lady plz .and if u wanna know any thing about me . tell me in ur next mail to me

frankly , i dont know how to thank u lady. because u gave me a hope in this life . highly appreciated from ur young brother /osama mohammed .

take care about ur self ,. god save u for me

so I replied, happy as a pig in mud:


Please tell me dear how you would like me to pay you again.

Also, are you still willing to make these changes for me? for one, I
do not like to sell a t-shirt with 'beer' on it, do you think you can
change it into a soda bottle? not a can, because I feel that a can
promotes alcohol too much

thank you


and then, more yahoo!!! isn't that what we are all really here for? :P


Conversation with oxide20002006 at 2005-07-01 07:40:39 on plefield (yahoo)
(07:40:39) oxide20002006: hi
(07:40:42) oxide20002006: how are u dear
(07:40:59) mary antoinette: I'm fine thank you, and yourself?
(07:41:06) oxide20002006: i am fine dear lady
(07:41:12) oxide20002006: how is ur business
(07:41:15) oxide20002006: ?
(07:42:39) mary antoinette: my business is doing very well indeed, thank you, I just had a huge order placed for 20 farmers
(07:43:04) oxide20002006: great . congratulation
(07:43:12) oxide20002006: that is really good for u
(07:43:35) mary antoinette: I am very pleased indeed, thank you. How are you doing today?
(07:44:19) oxide20002006: nothing dear. i was at the hospital yesterday with my mother because she was sick
(07:44:30) oxide20002006: and we left my sister at home alone
(07:44:33) oxide20002006: that is all
(07:44:46) oxide20002006: and iam still beside my mother
(07:45:35) mary antoinette: that is sad son
(07:45:39) mary antoinette: how is she now?
(07:45:52) oxide20002006: she is good any way. thanks for ALLAH
(07:46:47) mary antoinette: what was her ailment?
(07:47:24) oxide20002006: her backbone was not good .
(07:47:37) oxide20002006: she cannot walk for more time
(07:47:48) oxide20002006: she is always on the bed
(07:48:32) mary antoinette: that is sad, and she is still in the hospital?
(07:48:51) oxide20002006: yes . but
(07:49:04) oxide20002006: she will back to home tonight god willing
(07:49:18) mary antoinette: I sure hope so dear
(07:49:33) oxide20002006: dont worry, dear mary . she will be okay
(07:51:00) oxide20002006: i recieved ur mail dear
(07:51:27) mary antoinette: good
(07:51:57) oxide20002006: and i wanna tell u something but i feel shyness of u ,
(07:52:24) mary antoinette: prey, please tell
(07:54:40) oxide20002006: the educational new year is too closer to me here in egypt , and i wish i could pay the fees of the new year befor i enter but i am shy of u when i tell u about my money . and i am badly in needing of them
(07:54:43) oxide20002006: :">
(07:55:44) mary antoinette: prey, What can I do for you then? I have already agreed to pay you $700 for each design, I just want some minor changes. Surely this cannot be a problem?
(07:56:55) oxide20002006: sure
(07:56:56) oxide20002006: but
(07:56:58) oxide20002006: u told me
(07:56:59) oxide20002006: that
(07:57:08) oxide20002006: u will take only one design
(07:57:13) oxide20002006: no all of them
(07:57:17) oxide20002006: that is amazing
(07:58:20) mary antoinette: I shall take all of them
(07:58:28) mary antoinette: I will just pay one design up front
(07:58:44) mary antoinette: and the rest after you made some small adjustments dear, I hope that is reasonable?
(07:59:04) oxide20002006: so , that is good for all of us .
(07:59:05) oxide20002006: but
(07:59:21) oxide20002006: may u allow me plz to ask u a question plz with ur permission plz lady
(07:59:57) mary antoinette: prey, please do
(08:00:58) oxide20002006: i am badly in needing of 500 $ as an up front as u told me with ur permission to pay the fees because the time is too tight
(08:01:13) oxide20002006: can u send me them as a prepaid plz fastly dear
(08:01:19) oxide20002006: say whatever u say
(08:01:55) mary antoinette: prey, how does that work then?
(08:02:15) oxide20002006: sorry dear , i couldnot understand u plz
(08:02:57) mary antoinette: so, I shall send you $500 first, and then another $3700 after you made the changes then? does that sound good?
(08:04:31) oxide20002006: good , belive me that is very good from u , but when u will send me the 500 firsly dear mary , because i told u i have to pay the fees fastly at least on the next wednesday , u know i am muslim and i cant lie and i think u tested me befor and i passed ur exam to me
(08:06:26) mary antoinette: yes, you did dear.
(08:06:38) mary antoinette: how would you like me to pay you then?
(08:07:52) oxide20002006: actually . as i told u befor , it is the firt time for me in the world of marketing and business online and i have no enough experience like u dear , so . how u would like to send me the money ?
(08:08:23) mary antoinette: I know how we can solve this sir
(08:08:53) mary antoinette: if you call my accountant, and tell him your details, I will make sure he pays you as soon as possible
(08:09:33) mary antoinette: if you get his voicemail, just talk slow and clear, and say what it is you want, I'll be sure to send him an email that he is to pay you immediately!
(08:10:00) mary antoinette: his number is +1-206-350-1980
(08:10:25) mary antoinette: it is a call to america, I am sure you know how to do that better than I do dear
(08:11:02) oxide20002006: so, i call him on this number and tell hime every thing in details dear
(08:11:53) oxide20002006: but . what should i tell him when i call him
(08:12:01) oxide20002006: plz help me it is the first time for me
(08:12:10) mary antoinette: yes, please, that is what you need to do
(08:12:38) mary antoinette: the sooner you call him, the sooner he will be able to transfer your money
(08:12:49) mary antoinette: he's a busy man, so don't worry if you get his voicemail
(08:13:10) mary antoinette: just tell him what you told me, and it'll be alright
(08:13:27) mary antoinette: where you live, how much money you need, all those things dear
(08:13:37) mary antoinette: do you think you can do that dear?
(08:13:52) mary antoinette: I'm sure you can, you are a smart fellow, I can tell
(08:14:53) oxide20002006: [-(
(08:15:17) oxide20002006: i cant , plz. cant u send me my money by ur self
(08:15:22) oxide20002006: i am afraid
(08:15:48) mary antoinette: please do not take that tone with me young lad. and I do not consider that smiley to be funny.
(08:16:28) mary antoinette: I have told you what you need to do, do not make me change my mind. I have been very kind to you, and all I ask is for you to call my accountant so that I won't have to deal with all the paperwork. I'm a busy women.
(08:17:12) mary antoinette: I am trying to help you dear, and this is your chance to help me. if I do it myself I will have to fix things with my accountant later myself. and he doesn't like that very much
(08:18:01) oxide20002006: okay . dear okay , . when i call him and how to ask him to send me the money , i mean the way he will send me my money , that is all dear
(08:18:32) mary antoinette: He knows those things I do not bother myself with such details dear
(08:19:06) oxide20002006: okay . i am sorry for noising u
(08:19:14) oxide20002006: i am sorry again ,
(08:19:34) oxide20002006: but what is ur name in full to make him know me
(08:19:50) mary antoinette: Mary antoinette plefield
(08:20:11) mary antoinette: he will know, I am his only customer, he works for me full time
(08:20:32) oxide20002006: okay dear mary . i will
(08:20:35) oxide20002006: thanks alot
(08:20:38) oxide20002006: for helping me
(08:20:43) oxide20002006: highly appreciated
(08:20:48) oxide20002006: and what is his name
(08:21:34) mary antoinette: mr jim hemmingway
(08:22:31) mary antoinette: if you really want to get on his good side, sing him a little song if you get his voicemail, he loves that :)
(08:22:56) oxide20002006: really
(08:22:58) oxide20002006: okay
(08:23:06) oxide20002006: :)
(08:23:47) mary antoinette: yes. he has some funny habits. he was a farmer once, before a tornado destroyed his land and home. that is when I employed him. He is a little bit rude, but quite nice if you get to know him
(08:24:17) mary antoinette: he has these little things that cheer him up like the little songs on his voicemail
(08:25:19) oxide20002006: okay dear . that is for u
(08:25:24) oxide20002006: that is for u
(08:26:09) mary antoinette: ok dear, please call him as soon as possible
(08:26:24) mary antoinette: then you will have your money before wednesday
(08:26:56) oxide20002006: okay dear . today i will call him and i will tell him every thing indetails however my oral english is not too good but i will do my best to make him understand my demand
(08:27:09) mary antoinette: please do!
(08:27:24) mary antoinette: also, be sure to tell him about the t-shirts, and what you need the money for
(08:27:34) mary antoinette: and don't forget the song! he'll be very pleased
(08:27:41) oxide20002006: okay:)
(08:27:56) mary antoinette: why not call him now? I think he's still working now
(08:28:03) mary antoinette: that would be the best I think
(08:28:29) oxide20002006: okay
(08:28:30) oxide20002006: okay
(08:28:34) oxide20002006: i will now
(08:28:52) mary antoinette: great dear, let me know how it went
(08:29:24) oxide20002006: by mail
(08:29:32) oxide20002006: u will know every thing
(08:29:44) mary antoinette: ok dear
(08:30:07) mary antoinette: I will be online for a while longer, so you can tell me here too, but mail is good for my records. perhaps both?
(08:30:22) oxide20002006: thanks aagian , i dont know how to thinak u on these money
(08:30:56) mary antoinette: prey, don't worry about it. You can thank me with your t-shirt design changes
(08:31:12) oxide20002006: :)
(08:31:46) oxide20002006: oh my god . i cant belive that i will pay the fees as soon as possible
(08:31:51) oxide20002006: that is really amazing
(08:32:06) oxide20002006: i cant belive that i sold something
(08:32:33) oxide20002006: highly appreciated , dear lady mary
(08:32:53) mary antoinette: please, call my accountant as soon as possible, so that he can send you your hard earned money!
(08:33:02) mary antoinette: we will talk after that, OK?
(08:33:25) oxide20002006: okay dear. okay
(08:33:26) oxide20002006: thanks
(08:33:34) oxide20002006: have a nice day for u and for ur business
(08:33:40) oxide20002006: highly appreciated
(08:33:57) mary antoinette: no problem dear, just make the call so we can arrange for this to work
(08:34:06) mary antoinette: bye dear, have a good day
(08:34:10) oxide20002006: okay byeee

look, he's demanding now! :)

so the stupid *SS couldn't figure out how to work a voicemail, so, later, he returns.


Conversation with oxide20002006 at 2005-07-01 09:49:33 on plefield (yahoo)
(09:49:33) oxide20002006: peace to be upon u dear lady mary , i am soo shy of u ,. belive me , i coul;dnot call ur accountant, belive me , i swear , and i did my best to catch him , but we are in the morning in egypt here and there is no any shope for communications to call the accountane , so that m may u allow me plz to give u fastly my full name and my full address and my full id number plus the name of the bank with ur permission plz . plz . for god,s sake mrs mary anntonitte . i am appealing to u . i am in a race against the time . belive me . i hope u accept it , i have all my information u need now about me in a small sheet
(09:49:36) oxide20002006: :)
(09:49:46) oxide20002006: may i give u plz them ?
(09:50:31) oxide20002006: i know that u are too busy , but a favour in me . will give u high score
(09:50:36) oxide20002006: that is all
(09:51:33) mary antoinette: I would really like to press you to call my accountant dear, you will be giving me a LOT of trouble if you don't
(09:52:37) oxide20002006: [-(plz just do it for me lady mary . belive me i couldnot , i couldnot ,. i am appealing to u . u will not lose any thing , belive me mrs plefield
(09:52:46) oxide20002006: i am appealing to u once again ,
(09:53:19) oxide20002006: i trusted u and i send u the designs as promised u becuase i considered u as my old sister
(09:53:22) oxide20002006: and i mean it
(09:53:25) oxide20002006: and i mean it
(09:53:38) oxide20002006: i have all of my info now
(09:53:38) mary antoinette: yes, dear, I will be loosing something, my whole financial file will be a mess, and I do not know how to do international money transfers.
(09:53:50) mary antoinette: I do not like you to take this tone with me
(09:53:58) mary antoinette: I am trying to help you, and this is the thanks I get?
(09:54:01) mary antoinette: I am NOT amused
(09:54:17) mary antoinette: it is very hard to make me angry young lad, but you are beginning to get there
(09:54:34) mary antoinette: I offer my help, my trust and my money to you, and all I do not want ANYTHING in return
(09:55:14) mary antoinette: I promised to pay you $4200 and I will dear, but you have got to do some of the work yourself
(09:55:54) oxide20002006: okay . but may u allow me to ask for the last thing , to tell ur accountant about me to know me fastly when i call him . plz lady
(09:55:55) oxide20002006: plz
(09:56:04) oxide20002006: i will try to call him again
(09:56:15) oxide20002006: i think that is fair
(09:56:50) mary antoinette: ok
(09:57:00) oxide20002006: will u do it plz
(09:57:01) mary antoinette: I have already told him about you
(09:57:01) oxide20002006: ?
(09:57:11) mary antoinette: while you where away
(09:57:21) mary antoinette: because I didn't want to embarress you
(09:57:29) mary antoinette: I feel a tad sorry that I have done that
(09:57:47) mary antoinette: now that you didn't call, you make me look quite foolish to mr hemmingway now
(09:58:03) oxide20002006: no dear , i told i tryed
(09:58:04) oxide20002006: but
(09:58:20) oxide20002006: no center here in my area to call him at this time
(09:58:39) oxide20002006: becasue there is not communication center is opening at this time
(09:58:44) oxide20002006: and i mean it lady mary
(09:58:47) mary antoinette: can not you use your own telephone?
(09:59:02) oxide20002006: i have no phone at home and i swear
(09:59:10) oxide20002006: even i have no mobile as well
(09:59:39) oxide20002006: so. what do u think now about a ppor boy like me
(09:59:54) oxide20002006: has no phone at his home to call people
(10:00:01) oxide20002006: what do u think dear
(10:00:03) oxide20002006: ?
(10:00:34) oxide20002006: i was right when i asked u dear lady with ur permission to give him my info
(10:00:38) oxide20002006: to send me money
(10:00:39) mary antoinette: I think that is quite sad indeed. but you do have internet?
(10:01:02) oxide20002006: so . how to get ur accountant through the intenet
(10:01:07) oxide20002006: it will be easier for me
(10:01:10) oxide20002006: belive me
(10:01:11) oxide20002006: to
(10:01:12) oxide20002006: send
(10:01:15) oxide20002006: him
(10:01:18) oxide20002006: my info
(10:01:22) oxide20002006: by mail
(10:01:29) oxide20002006: belive me lady
(10:01:32) mary antoinette: well, your info, the amount of money you need, tell him about the t-shirts and sing a small song for him
(10:01:48) oxide20002006: belive me
(10:01:55) oxide20002006: if u had his mail
(10:01:59) oxide20002006: to make me send
(10:02:00) oxide20002006: him
(10:02:03) mary antoinette: he insists that anyone requesting my money will be verified through phone dear.
(10:02:03) oxide20002006: every thing
(10:02:11) oxide20002006: u need
(10:02:21) oxide20002006: #-o
(10:02:27) mary antoinette: it is a small thing to ask for that money, do not you agree?
(10:02:43) oxide20002006: yes . i agree with u totally
(10:02:45) oxide20002006: but
(10:02:53) oxide20002006: i explained to u my situation here
(10:03:06) oxide20002006: and i hope u appreciate it for me
(10:03:10) oxide20002006: and give me his
(10:03:11) oxide20002006: mail
(10:03:14) oxide20002006: and
(10:03:23) oxide20002006: u told me that u talked to him about me befor
(10:03:42) oxide20002006: plus i will tell him in the mail the things u want me to tell
(10:03:46) oxide20002006: is that right
(10:03:48) oxide20002006: ?
(10:03:49) mary antoinette: yes, and I told him you would be calling him, so he is awaiting your call or voicemail
(10:04:04) mary antoinette: you will make me look quite silly dear if we change it now
(10:04:12) oxide20002006: :(
(10:04:25) mary antoinette: like I said, he is a nice man, but he has his oddities, you really want to keep him happy for him to send the money soon
(10:04:40) mary antoinette: if he does not like you, he will probably send the money much later
(10:04:46) mary antoinette: I am sorry dear, there is nothing I can do
(10:04:52) oxide20002006: okay
(10:05:05) oxide20002006: u wanna me to try to call him
(10:05:07) oxide20002006: okay
(10:05:14) oxide20002006: i am oblighed to do it
(10:05:26) oxide20002006: plz my greatr god . help ur slave ,
(10:05:30) oxide20002006: i hope that
(10:06:09) oxide20002006: okay dear lady mary . may u allow me plz to go try to call hime again
(10:06:15) oxide20002006: with ur permission plz
(10:06:26) mary antoinette: yes dear, please call him again
(10:06:36) mary antoinette: do you know what to do now?
(10:06:58) mary antoinette: please repeat it here so that there will be no mistakes, what is it that you are going to say?
(10:08:16) oxide20002006: i will report him my peace firstly / secondly , i will tell him that i am the boy of the designs of t,shirts . and i will give him my info to be able to send me money fastly as soon as possible
(10:08:19) oxide20002006: is that right
(10:08:21) oxide20002006: ?
(10:08:40) mary antoinette: and a little song, if you get his voicemail
(10:08:49) mary antoinette: do not forget that, you want to be on his good side :)
(10:09:01) oxide20002006: but my voice is too bad when singing
(10:09:04) oxide20002006: :(
(10:09:07) oxide20002006: i cant sing
(10:09:11) oxide20002006: plz
(10:09:12) oxide20002006: tell
(10:09:13) oxide20002006: him
(10:09:14) oxide20002006: that
(10:09:17) mary antoinette: it does not matter, it is just to chear him up
(10:09:19) oxide20002006: it is out
(10:09:29) oxide20002006: of my abilities dear
(10:09:36) oxide20002006: okay dear lady mary
(10:09:38) mary antoinette: it does not need to sound good dear
(10:09:47) oxide20002006: okay
(10:09:49) mary antoinette: it is just so that he will feel happy transferring the funds to you
(10:09:56) mary antoinette: that is very important to him
(10:10:08) mary antoinette: he has gone a bit mad after the tornado blew his farm away
(10:10:20) mary antoinette: but, he is a nice man, once you get to know him
(10:10:32) oxide20002006: okay , plz may u allow me to ask about his name again
(10:10:41) mary antoinette: his name is "jim hemmingway"
(10:10:42) oxide20002006: to make sure that the name i had is right name ?
(10:10:48) oxide20002006: okay
(10:10:49) oxide20002006: okay
(10:10:51) oxide20002006: thanks alot
(10:10:56) oxide20002006: thanks
(10:10:57) mary antoinette: not a problem dear
(10:11:04) oxide20002006: god willing
(10:11:06) oxide20002006: gid willing
(10:11:28) mary antoinette: but please, try to not upset me so much again. I do like out little chats, but there is no need to act cheeky to me
(10:11:52) oxide20002006: i am sorry for that again
(10:12:13) mary antoinette: as I do not appreciate to be talked to in that manner and THIS [-( I do NOT want to see again. it makes you look like a 10 year old
(10:12:19) mary antoinette: and I do not appreciate that
(10:12:44) oxide20002006: i am sorry again , but u know that i am badly in needing of ur help.
(10:12:50) oxide20002006: that is all dear lady
(10:12:54) oxide20002006: i am sorry once again
(10:13:01) oxide20002006: wil u accept that
(10:13:04) oxide20002006: ?
(10:13:11) mary antoinette: no problem, I know something you can do to make it up to me if you want, do you want to do that dear?
(10:13:30) oxide20002006: i just wanna be honest with u
(10:13:48) oxide20002006: and to keep on business forever
(10:13:51) oxide20002006: that is all
(10:14:04) mary antoinette: I would like to see how the t-shirts look on a person, and, since you are the great designer of the tshirts I think it would be nice to have a picture of you in one of them!
(10:14:18) oxide20002006: :))
(10:14:24) oxide20002006: really
(10:14:25) mary antoinette: I really would like to insist on it
(10:14:32) oxide20002006: that is good from u
(10:14:34) oxide20002006: dear
(10:14:39) oxide20002006: highly appreciated
(10:14:57) oxide20002006: u are the first one on the web gave me a hope in this lifew
(10:14:59) oxide20002006: life
(10:15:02) oxide20002006: thanks alot
(10:15:02) oxide20002006: now
(10:15:15) oxide20002006: i dont wanna u lose time
(10:15:21) oxide20002006: with me
(10:15:23) mary antoinette: I know what you can do dear
(10:15:27) oxide20002006: take ur time
(10:15:45) mary antoinette: why do not you print out one of your designes? perhaps the football one?
(10:15:58) oxide20002006: really
(10:16:01) oxide20002006: do u think that
(10:16:04) oxide20002006: ?
(10:16:10) mary antoinette: you put a little tape on it, and tape it to a t-shirt, then send me a picture of you wearing it?
(10:16:17) mary antoinette: it would mean a lot to me dear
(10:16:24) mary antoinette: really, a lot
(10:16:38) oxide20002006: oh my god . u are really good business woman
(10:16:39) oxide20002006: and
(10:16:41) oxide20002006: i mean it
(10:16:49) oxide20002006: that is for u
(10:17:00) mary antoinette: will you send me a picture of that please?
(10:17:23) mary antoinette: I know it is a lot of trouble, but, shall I give you $100 extra for it?
(10:17:44) mary antoinette: I do not want you to waste time on it, so, if I pay you for it, I am sure it will be worth it for you?
(10:18:10) oxide20002006: dont say that again , u are helping me
(10:18:13) oxide20002006: because
(10:18:17) oxide20002006: u are good woman
(10:18:31) mary antoinette: I will treasure that picture for a long time, as I will feel a stronger connection to you as a person.
(10:18:31) oxide20002006: and i dont need extra money to send u my pic
(10:18:39) oxide20002006: my pic
(10:18:41) oxide20002006: will
(10:18:43) oxide20002006: be for u
(10:18:45) oxide20002006: free
(10:18:47) oxide20002006: because
(10:18:50) mary antoinette: thank you kind sir
(10:18:51) oxide20002006: u help me
(10:19:31) oxide20002006: i am not sir . i am muslim boy , and dont call me sir again , because u are older than me and i am younger than and the young must respect the old
(10:19:35) oxide20002006: that is my islam
(10:19:38) oxide20002006: and i mean it
(10:19:41) oxide20002006: now
(10:19:56) oxide20002006: i g2g to finsih wi the man
(10:20:02) mary antoinette: ok dear
(10:20:09) mary antoinette: when will you have that picture for me?
(10:20:43) oxide20002006: let me plz firstly finish with the accountant now , then , i will send u my pic as u like
(10:20:47) oxide20002006: is that well ?
(10:20:57) oxide20002006: :)
(10:21:05) mary antoinette: ofcourse, first call mr hemmingway, then have your picture taken
(10:21:26) mary antoinette: I would so love to show your picture to my daughter, she is coming over tomorrow
(10:21:42) mary antoinette: especially with your beautiful design on it too
(10:21:46) oxide20002006: how old is she ?
(10:21:48) oxide20002006: ?
(10:21:51) oxide20002006: i am just 20
(10:22:37) oxide20002006: u know . i am plzning since my childhood to get marry an american muslim pious girl
(10:22:50) oxide20002006: and i am still working for that aim
(10:23:03) oxide20002006: and live together in egypt
(10:23:13) mary antoinette: my daughter is 23
(10:23:31) oxide20002006: oh , she is older than me
(10:23:35) mary antoinette: would you like to see a picture of her?
(10:23:55) oxide20002006: umm , if u allow me to send me her pic now befor i go
(10:24:02) oxide20002006: with ur permission
(10:24:53) mary antoinette: I would really like one with you an her t-shirt
(10:25:26) oxide20002006: just say , god willing
(10:25:32) oxide20002006: and every thing will be okay
(10:25:55) Offering to send /home/hp/Documents/images/pics/sandy_farm.jpg to oxide20002006
(10:25:56) Transfer of file sandy_farm.jpg complete
(10:26:04) oxide20002006: now may u allow me to go plz
(10:26:20) mary antoinette: it is not the nicest of pictures, but it is the only one I have on my computer
(10:26:41) mary antoinette: she likes that t-shirt a lot... I can not say I agree with it completely
(10:26:58) oxide20002006: every one has his personal opinion
(10:27:10) oxide20002006: and we can argue at once time
(10:27:43) mary antoinette: did you receive the picture dear?
(10:27:52) oxide20002006: did u send it
(10:27:53) oxide20002006: ?
(10:28:05) mary antoinette: yes dear, I have already send it
(10:28:14) mary antoinette: I shall put it in your email
(10:28:45) oxide20002006: i will check my inbox now
(10:28:51) oxide20002006: may i find any thing
(10:29:28) mary antoinette: I have send it now
(10:29:38) mary antoinette: I hope you like her picture
(10:29:56) oxide20002006: i will dear
(10:30:49) oxide20002006: belive me
(10:30:53) oxide20002006: she is too nice
(10:30:56) oxide20002006: i saw the pic
(10:31:00) oxide20002006: thanks
(10:31:34) mary antoinette: yes, she looks sweet, doesn't she?
(10:31:43) oxide20002006: she is too sweet and i mean it
(10:31:47) oxide20002006: because i cannot lie
(10:31:52) oxide20002006: i have to say the true
(10:31:55) oxide20002006: to any one
(10:32:03) mary antoinette: great dear :)
(10:32:08) oxide20002006: thanks lady
(10:32:35) mary antoinette: now, go and call mr hemmingway, and get your picture taken so I can show her your brilliant t-shirt and you of course
(10:32:57) oxide20002006: god willing , i hope he understand my english
(10:33:09) oxide20002006: it is the first time for me to talk by en
(10:33:35) mary antoinette: he will dear, just speak slowly and try to articulate as well as you can, you'll be fine
(10:33:49) oxide20002006: thanks:)
(10:33:52) oxide20002006: now
(10:33:57) oxide20002006: peace to be upon u dear
(10:34:04) oxide20002006: thanks for the pic again
(10:34:14) mary antoinette: not a problem
(10:34:22) oxide20002006: byeee
(10:34:26) oxide20002006: take care about ur self plz
(10:34:28) oxide20002006: bye

and he returns, but this won't do, this won't do AT ALL


Conversation with oxide20002006 at 2005-07-01 11:09:45 on plefield (yahoo)
(11:09:45) oxide20002006: hi
(11:09:46) oxide20002006: dear
(11:09:51) oxide20002006: i caled him
(11:10:12) mary antoinette: what happened?
(11:10:13) oxide20002006: but it seems that the numbner u gave to me is not right
(11:10:15) oxide20002006: plz
(11:10:23) oxide20002006: may u allow me to have hid no again
(11:10:32) oxide20002006: i know i am noisy
(11:10:37) oxide20002006: but i am sorry for that
(11:10:42) mary antoinette: 1-206-350-1980
(11:10:46) oxide20002006: i cant hide any thing from u
(11:10:52) mary antoinette: if you get his voicemail, you will just hear a beep
(11:10:59) mary antoinette: and you can speak after that, perhaps that is the problem?
(11:11:08) mary antoinette: he doesn't like to have a message
(11:11:32) oxide20002006: oh my god
(11:11:37) oxide20002006: i called the dame number
(11:12:11) oxide20002006: and the man of the centeral told me that this number is incorrect and there is another missed number
(11:12:14) oxide20002006: because
(11:12:19) oxide20002006: they are 14 number
(11:12:24) oxide20002006: and the code is
(11:12:33) oxide20002006: 001-206-350-1980
(11:12:43) mary antoinette: yes 001 is the country code dear
(11:12:52) oxide20002006: yes dear
(11:12:56) oxide20002006: belive me i did that
(11:13:22) oxide20002006: but something is not accurate
(11:13:39) oxide20002006: plz make a revision dear lady mary
(11:14:03) mary antoinette: 001 is the country code, and then there are 10 digits, that is correct dear
(11:14:28) oxide20002006: okay okay dear
(11:14:33) oxide20002006: i will try again
(11:14:39) oxide20002006: #-o
(11:14:52) oxide20002006: how are u now
(11:14:53) oxide20002006: /
(11:14:55) oxide20002006: /?
(11:15:20) mary antoinette: I am fine dear, a bit busy at the moment
(11:15:21) oxide20002006: i missed u since the last time we met online
(11:15:26) oxide20002006: okay take ur time
(11:16:39) mary antoinette: ok
(11:16:56) mary antoinette: well, I suggest you try and call mr hemmingway again then dear?
(11:17:05) oxide20002006: i will
(11:17:07) oxide20002006: belive me
(11:17:08) oxide20002006: i will
(11:17:20) oxide20002006: peace to be upon u
(11:17:28) oxide20002006 logged out.

sigh... you'd think he'd get it now... and, miracles do exist, he manages to put in a voicemail!!!! listen to it <a href="">here</a>

and, a job NOT well done, he returns


Conversation with oxide20002006 at 2005-07-01 14:21:56 on plefield (yahoo)
(14:22:00) mary antoinette: hello
(14:22:11) oxide20002006: hello dear
(14:22:24) mary antoinette: I just received a call from mr hemmingway, telling me that he has received your voicemail, thank you
(14:23:07) oxide20002006: thanks alot , what do u think now , i have not told him every thing because of the lack of money
(14:23:08) oxide20002006: plz
(14:23:13) oxide20002006: appreciate it dear
(14:23:25) oxide20002006: and tell him my info in full if u allow me to tell u now
(14:23:28) oxide20002006: plz
(14:23:55) mary antoinette: you can email him now too, now that he has heard your voice
(14:24:06) mary antoinette: [email protected]
(14:24:37) oxide20002006: really
(14:24:39) oxide20002006: :)
(14:24:53) oxide20002006: may i give him my info to send me money
(14:24:55) oxide20002006: now
(14:24:58) oxide20002006: on his mail
(14:25:02) mary antoinette: of course
(14:25:07) oxide20002006: thaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaanks
(14:26:47) oxide20002006 logged in.
(14:27:39) mary antoinette: no problem
(14:27:54) oxide20002006: really
(14:28:00) oxide20002006: i wont forget that for u
(14:28:06) oxide20002006: u talked to him about me
(14:28:07) oxide20002006: right
(14:28:18) mary antoinette: yes, I have dear
(14:28:28) oxide20002006: thaaaaaaaaanks
(14:28:39) oxide20002006: i am writing a mial to him now
(14:28:43) oxide20002006: belive me
(14:29:50) mary antoinette: ah, jim told me that he was going to talk to you real soon.
(14:30:12) oxide20002006: yes
(14:30:12) oxide20002006: yes
(14:30:15) oxide20002006: he is with me
(14:30:16) oxide20002006: now
(14:41:07) oxide20002006 logged in.
(14:48:31) mary antoinette: how is it going with mr hemmingway? I hope it's all going according to plan?
(14:49:36) oxide20002006: every thing is good
(14:49:42) oxide20002006: he is too anger
(14:49:44) oxide20002006: i dunno why
(14:49:57) mary antoinette: he has his little fancies
(14:51:21) oxide20002006: yes
(14:58:13) mary antoinette: has mr hemmingway send you the money?
(14:58:51) oxide20002006: i gave him every thing but i think he didnot send yet
(14:59:04) mary antoinette: he did not?
(15:00:35) oxide20002006: it seems that he fill something
(15:04:19) mary antoinette: I am sure he'll work it all out just fine for you
(15:04:39) oxide20002006: thanks
(15:04:40) oxide20002006: thanks
(15:26:14) mary antoinette: so... jim told me everything is in order now dear?
(15:26:25) oxide20002006: yes
(15:26:26) oxide20002006: yes
(15:26:29) mary antoinette: great
(15:26:40) mary antoinette: did you manage to get your picture taken with your beautiful t-shirt?
(15:27:14) oxide20002006: oh oopps . u know . the money made me fogot it dear
(15:27:15) oxide20002006: but
(15:27:16) oxide20002006: plz
(15:27:24) oxide20002006: try to remind me from time to another
(15:27:35) mary antoinette: surely you can remember such a small thing?
(15:27:40) mary antoinette: it would mean so much to me!
(15:28:05) mary antoinette: also, do not forget to make the small changes I suggested in my email! I will be looking forward to those too
(15:28:48) oxide20002006: sure
(15:28:50) oxide20002006: sure
(15:28:52) oxide20002006: sure
(15:28:57) oxide20002006: just stay in
(15:29:02) oxide20002006: touch with me lady
(15:29:18) mary antoinette: after I Send you money, surely you want to keep in touch with me?
(15:29:46) oxide20002006: listen
(15:29:49) oxide20002006: to me well
(15:30:28) oxide20002006: i am not this kind of people who ignore thier good friends because my parents brought me up well
(15:30:41) oxide20002006: and learned me to side with my friend
(15:30:47) oxide20002006: that is all i have
(15:31:10) mary antoinette: ok then dear, but don't take that tone with me. it is disrespectful
(15:31:17) mary antoinette: I just wanted to keep you as a friend, that is all
(15:31:37) oxide20002006: and u too dear :)
(15:31:40) oxide20002006: belive me
(15:32:30) oxide20002006: may u allow me to give u something plz
(15:32:32) oxide20002006: ?
(15:32:42) mary antoinette: I am sure
(15:32:59) oxide20002006: :-*
(15:33:04) oxide20002006: that was for u because
(15:33:06) mary antoinette: o dear
(15:33:08) oxide20002006: u sided with me
(15:33:23) mary antoinette: that is mighty damn nice of you
(15:33:29) mary antoinette: thank you dear
(15:33:36) oxide20002006: are u upset
(15:33:42) oxide20002006: ?
(15:33:47) mary antoinette: it's a tad unexpected
(15:33:55) oxide20002006: i am sorry
(15:33:56) oxide20002006: but
(15:33:59) oxide20002006: i thought
(15:34:04) oxide20002006: that u will accept it
(15:34:07) oxide20002006: from me
(15:34:09) oxide20002006: any way
(15:34:13) mary antoinette: reluctantly
(15:34:16) oxide20002006: that is for u
(15:34:18) mary antoinette: but yes, sure
(15:34:20) oxide20002006: >:D<
(15:34:27) oxide20002006: i think it is better
(15:34:29) oxide20002006: than first
(15:34:31) oxide20002006: right
(15:34:36) mary antoinette: yes, I think so
(15:34:44) mary antoinette: do not forget that I am a lady
(15:34:58) oxide20002006: yes yes
(15:35:02) oxide20002006: i cannot forget it
(15:35:04) oxide20002006: i mean it
(15:35:56) oxide20002006: now . may u allow me to go plz to fill the paper of western union for mr jimmy
(15:36:05) oxide20002006: i dont wanna him bother me again
(15:36:16) oxide20002006: i endured him only for u lady
(15:37:11) mary antoinette: ok
(15:37:39) oxide20002006: now
(15:37:45) oxide20002006: i have a question plz
(15:37:51) oxide20002006: what does it mean
(15:38:02) oxide20002006: i saw this word in the paper of western union
(15:38:15) oxide20002006: PASS PHRASE
(15:38:19) oxide20002006: AND
(15:38:21) oxide20002006: ANSWER3
(15:38:57) mary antoinette: I do not know dear, it means something like 'secret question' and 'secret answer'
(15:39:03) mary antoinette: I think you will have to discuss this with jim
(15:39:10) oxide20002006: YES
(15:39:13) oxide20002006: YES
(15:39:35) oxide20002006: OKAY LADY
(15:39:50) oxide20002006: may u allow me plz to go to fill them and to see my mother
(15:39:52) oxide20002006: plz
(15:39:53) oxide20002006: ?
(15:39:57) mary antoinette: I am sure
(15:40:16) oxide20002006: thanks alot dear lady mary
(15:40:22) oxide20002006: peace to be upon u dear
(15:40:26) oxide20002006: :)
(15:40:30) mary antoinette: bye!
(15:40:33) oxide20002006: bye
(15:40:45) oxide20002006: have a nice business for u
(15:40:54) oxide20002006: and for me too god willing
(15:40:56) oxide20002006: bye
(15:41:01) oxide20002006: take care plz
(15:41:06) oxide20002006: about ur self
(15:41:07) oxide20002006: bye

during this time, a conversation with mr hemmingway


Conversation with oxide20002006 at 2005-07-01 14:28:55 on jim_hemmingway (yahoo)
(14:28:56) Jim Hemmingway: hello
(14:29:08) Jim Hemmingway: I believe you have called my voicemail?
(14:29:16) oxide20002006: yes dear
(14:29:19) Jim Hemmingway: dear?
(14:29:22) Jim Hemmingway: I'm not your mother
(14:29:30) Jim Hemmingway: "sir" would be just fine
(14:29:53) oxide20002006: sure
(14:29:56) oxide20002006: i like sir
(14:29:58) oxide20002006: too much
(14:30:06) oxide20002006: u are alright sir
(14:30:08) Jim Hemmingway: I bet you do
(14:30:26) Jim Hemmingway: don't go all gay on me now, will you?
(14:30:36) Jim Hemmingway: I am supposed to send you 500 dollars I believe?
(14:30:47) oxide20002006: yes
(14:30:48) oxide20002006: would
(14:30:51) oxide20002006: u allow
(14:30:56) oxide20002006: me plz to tell u my info
(14:31:07) oxide20002006: to be able to send me the money as soon as possible sir
(14:31:07) Jim Hemmingway: can you put it in my email?
(14:31:08) oxide20002006: ?
(14:31:19) oxide20002006: okay . that is for u sir
(14:31:54) Jim Hemmingway: [email protected]
(14:32:07) oxide20002006: okay thanks alot sir
(14:32:33) Jim Hemmingway: how do you want to receive the money?
(14:32:59) oxide20002006: by sending them on this bank
(14:33:04) oxide20002006: as a bank draft
(14:33:08) oxide20002006: is that good sir
(14:33:38) oxide20002006: ؟
(14:34:24) oxide20002006: the name of the bank is (banque misr ) maadi branch, street no 7
(14:34:48) oxide20002006: about my full name is (osama mohammed abuhashim ahmed)
(14:36:15) oxide20002006: my full address in egypt is ( arab republic of egypt/cairo/new maadi distruct/saqr qursich/ elzobat buildings/ block no 6 /apartement no 12 first floor
(14:37:23) oxide20002006: my full id no is (0102856)
(14:37:29) oxide20002006: that is all sir jim
(14:37:57) Jim Hemmingway: ok
(14:38:10) Jim Hemmingway: I will look into it, but a bank transfer doesn't really have to be the best solution tax wise
(14:38:16) Jim Hemmingway: have you ever heard of western union?
(14:38:30) oxide20002006: yes sure
(14:38:33) oxide20002006: i know it
(14:38:48) oxide20002006: what about it sir
(14:39:09) oxide20002006: ?
(14:40:27) oxide20002006 logged in.
(14:40:29) : Buzz!!
(14:40:56) Jim Hemmingway: I am sorry, the internet connection at the office acts a bit weird someday
(14:41:24) oxide20002006: never mind sir jim
(14:41:30) oxide20002006: lets complete
(14:42:32) Jim Hemmingway: we usually send money through western union if it is out of country for security reasons
(14:42:45) oxide20002006: as u like sir
(14:43:07) oxide20002006: but will u need any info about me and how to send me money with western
(14:43:19) Jim Hemmingway: Send me an email, and I shall explain it all to you
(14:44:20) oxide20002006: okay
(14:44:21) oxide20002006: okay
(14:44:24) oxide20002006: but
(14:44:36) oxide20002006: i am really badly in needing of money as soon as possible sir
(14:44:39) oxide20002006: that is aLL
(14:45:03) Jim Hemmingway: I am sure, did you send me an email lad?
(14:45:38) oxide20002006: I THINK U MUST KEEP THEM
(14:46:11) Jim Hemmingway: I am sorry
(14:46:18) Jim Hemmingway: why do you take this tone with me?
(14:46:26) Jim Hemmingway: I do not like that
(14:46:36) Jim Hemmingway: I just asked if you send me an email
(14:46:40) Jim Hemmingway: nothing more, nothing less
(14:46:46) Jim Hemmingway: why is this so disturbing to you?
(14:47:05) oxide20002006: OKAY
(14:47:07) oxide20002006: okay
(14:47:22) oxide20002006: i will send u an e,mail , but what do u want to do for u in this mail
(14:47:27) oxide20002006: that is all sir
(14:47:40) Jim Hemmingway: I TOLD YOU ALREADY
(14:47:47) Jim Hemmingway: I NEED YOUR INFORMATION IN AN EMAIL
(14:47:49) Jim Hemmingway: I TOLD YOU
(14:47:51) Jim Hemmingway: I TOLD YOU TWICE
(14:48:06) Jim Hemmingway: and I need your EMAIL ADRESS to send you the INFORMATION on the TRANSFER
(14:48:09) Jim Hemmingway: are you dim boy?
(14:48:14) Jim Hemmingway: try to keep up, will you?
(14:48:25) oxide20002006: yes i am here mr jim
(14:48:33) oxide20002006: and i will send u an e.mail now
(14:48:43) oxide20002006: with my info
(14:48:46) oxide20002006: :">
(14:48:54) Jim Hemmingway: please
(14:48:56) Jim Hemmingway: its' not so hard lad
(14:49:05) Jim Hemmingway: I never asked you to put your information in the chat window
(14:49:25) oxide20002006: i am sorry again
(14:49:28) oxide20002006: i am sorry
(14:49:34) Jim Hemmingway: I'm sure you are
(14:49:57) oxide20002006: i am sorry again sir
(14:50:04) Jim Hemmingway: yes, yes, yes
(14:50:15) Jim Hemmingway: just don't let it happen again
(14:50:25) oxide20002006: okay okay
(14:54:50) oxide20002006: i send u the mail sir
(14:54:59) Jim Hemmingway: thank you
(14:55:20) oxide20002006: any thing else u need about me sir jim
(14:55:22) oxide20002006: ?
(14:55:57) Jim Hemmingway: you will need to fill out some forms for western union, but I will send them to you
(14:56:01) Jim Hemmingway: per email
(14:56:28) oxide20002006: thanks alot sir jim :)
(14:56:44) Jim Hemmingway: mr hemmingway to you
(14:57:11) Jim Hemmingway: a little respect for the elderly lad
(14:57:14) Jim Hemmingway: couldn't hurt
(14:57:24) oxide20002006: i know . but may u allow me plz sir to ask u a question ?
(14:57:45) Jim Hemmingway: you can try, but just ask man!
(14:57:57) Jim Hemmingway: you don't ask to ask, then you've already used up your question
(14:58:17) oxide20002006: okay okay/ but i know that u are very good man
(14:58:21) oxide20002006: i mean it
(14:58:38) Jim Hemmingway: how can you know that? we've only been talking for about 2 minutes!
(14:58:45) Jim Hemmingway: don't suck up to me like that lad
(14:59:17) oxide20002006: but my religion learned me to respect the people who are older than me
(14:59:21) oxide20002006: and i mean it
(14:59:29) Jim Hemmingway: then show it lad
(14:59:58) oxide20002006: okay sir
(15:00:24) oxide20002006: umm . when i recieve the money after i told u every thing abnout me sir jim ?
(15:00:42) Jim Hemmingway: that depends on western union mostly
(15:00:55) Jim Hemmingway: I shall send you the form right away
(15:01:35) oxide20002006: okay . but i mean how to send my money sir jim
(15:01:38) oxide20002006: that is all sir
(15:04:01) Jim Hemmingway: I have send you the Western Union forms, that is how I will be sending the money
(15:04:07) Jim Hemmingway: you should have them in your inbox now
(15:05:05) oxide20002006: alright sir
(15:07:31) oxide20002006: i recieved ur mail sir jim
(15:07:42) Jim Hemmingway: great
(15:11:12) oxide20002006: sir jim . please i am appealing to u . i cant fill it well . may u dill it to me plz . as a favour in me from u sir
(15:11:14) oxide20002006: plz
(15:11:15) oxide20002006: plz
(15:11:34) Jim Hemmingway: I am not allowed to do that
(15:12:34) oxide20002006: but how to fill it . i opened the page and i tryed to fill it but i couldnot . my keyboard doesnot wanna type properly sir 3
(15:12:38) oxide20002006: i swear sir
(15:13:36) Jim Hemmingway: no, you need to print it out, fill it out, sign it, scan it and THEN email it back to me
(15:13:48) Jim Hemmingway: it needs a signature
(15:13:58) oxide20002006: u mean my signature sir
(15:13:59) oxide20002006: ?
(15:14:08) Jim Hemmingway: your authograph
(15:14:49) oxide20002006: sorry sir jim . what do u mean by this wordauthograph
(15:15:12) Jim Hemmingway: you put your name in writing on a peice of paper
(15:16:25) oxide20002006: okay sir
(15:16:26) oxide20002006: but
(15:16:33) oxide20002006: when u wanna me to send u it
(15:16:38) oxide20002006: on ur mail sir
(15:16:39) oxide20002006: ?
(15:16:53) Jim Hemmingway: you can print it, fill it out and then scan it in, can not you?
(15:17:01) Jim Hemmingway: then email me the resulting files
(15:17:07) Jim Hemmingway: do you follow me lad?
(15:17:10) Jim Hemmingway: try to keep up
(15:17:42) oxide20002006: okay okay . but when i mean when i send u the tree pages after i do all of thess operations sir
(15:17:46) oxide20002006: i mean the time
(15:18:06) Jim Hemmingway: as soon as you are done ofcourse lad
(15:18:17) Jim Hemmingway: the sooner you finish the sooner I'll be done with it
(15:18:28) oxide20002006: okay sir . okay
(15:18:59) oxide20002006: may u allow me plz to send u it today at night on ur mail , because i have to take money firstly from my mother to do it
(15:19:17) oxide20002006: may u allow me plz to send u the 3 pages at night on ur mail today
(15:19:26) Jim Hemmingway: send it whenever you want lad
(15:19:42) oxide20002006: okay sir , thanks alot
(15:20:18) Jim Hemmingway: well then, I'll look forward to it
(15:20:39) oxide20002006: okay sir
(15:20:43) oxide20002006: okay
(15:21:05) Jim Hemmingway: and, try to be quick about it!
(15:21:20) Jim Hemmingway: I didn't get a nice little song either from you, so at LEAST try to do THIS right
(15:21:47) oxide20002006: u know . i cannot sing but i will try for u
(15:21:58) oxide20002006: i just like the song of spider man movie
(15:23:05) Jim Hemmingway: ok
(15:23:22) Jim Hemmingway: you can send your song to my email too if you want
(15:23:29) Jim Hemmingway: I will be looking forward to that too!
(15:23:41) Jim Hemmingway: perhaps you are not such a bad lad, IF you get that right that is
(15:23:44) oxide20002006: :)
(15:24:45) oxide20002006: dont worry . i like the people and i like to treat with all kinds of them to learn in my life
(15:24:48) oxide20002006: now
(15:25:10) oxide20002006: may u allow me to go plz to print and scan and
(15:25:14) Jim Hemmingway: ah yes...
(15:25:16) oxide20002006: fill the papers
(15:25:17) Jim Hemmingway: please finish it
(15:25:25) Jim Hemmingway: I will talk to you shortly then
(15:25:43) oxide20002006: okay sir
(15:25:46) oxide20002006: that is for u
(15:25:49) oxide20002006: have a nice day
(15:25:56) oxide20002006: peace to be upon u sir jim

the bst part about the last conversation was imho how he hated dealing with mr hemmingway... thank GOD because I was REALLY beginning to HATE the guy... sigh/..

PostPosted: Fri Jul 01, 2005 2:11 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

hehe, btw, I have ofcourse send the lad some nice WU forms to fill out, he's scanning and printing away right at this moment... I love the feeling.

PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:31 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

And, he got back, with the forms!!! Smile take special note to the passphrase and answer things, I'm afraid he's going to have to do them again! Smile



PostPosted: Sat Jul 02, 2005 5:36 pm Reply with quoteBack to top



Are you STUPID? now I can not submit the forms! You didn't answer the
security answer/question part!

The QUESTION is : "What form is needed for the cash?"
and the ANSWER is : "Form 41-9 ofcourse."

we discussed this over YAHOO!

if you want your money you had better fill them out again, I can not
use them like this. They will get rejected, because you can't have an
answer you don't know. You dumb fuck.

go do them again, else I can't send money

I wonder how he's going to react to this new 'development'

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 2:09 am Reply with quoteBack to top

accompaning the following email where 3 other wu forms


hello sir. plz plz plz i did what u ordered from me to do, so that, plz send me money as soon as possible to pay the fees of the new educational year , plz mr jim

take care of ur self plz god save u sir

but, o dear...


I went to the Western Union office, and apparently the united states
officials decided that there needed to be other forms. I haven't send
money through WU since quite a while, and it looks like the BASTARDS
don't send out notifications that there are new ones.

so I am afraid you'll have to do these forms. I can't send money out
of the usa without 'em.

I'm so bloody pissed right now.

I wonder if I'll get MORE wu forms...

will I be the only person who got 3 sets of wu forms from the same lad?
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 4:39 am Reply with quoteBack to top

There's more to those WU forms than meets the eye laddy. Take a good look at what he says!
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419Eater is my life

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2005 6:54 am Reply with quoteBack to top

^^ yep, youre right! good catch! Wink

and a good catch to tmm too! Wink

"I will never forgive you for what you have done to me and my family."
South Africa
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 2:50 am Reply with quoteBack to top


hello sir. plz plz can you go fuck yourself stupid mugu how stupid do you think i am die BASTARD FUCK. 0000000000000000000000oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

i dey kill u dogfucker i am not a 419

o, oh... I'll try and play dumb... see what happens
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:01 am Reply with quoteBack to top

That's sigworthy if you ask me. Very Happy

Slap him good, don't take his insolence sitting down.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2005 3:17 am Reply with quoteBack to top

He's back, and dumber than ever


What the fuck son? What exactly are you accusing me of? What the
bloody HELL is a mugu? and what the fuck is a 419? is that even a

I will forward this email to mary, she will not be pleased, kiss your
money goodbye

go fuck yourself


plz sir i am sorry plz i sent to the wrong email account plz ignore that
email sir where is the money have you made the payment yet


you dumb stupid fuck, you go insult me, AND mrs mary who has been
trying to help you, THEN you as if I send the money already while you
haven't even send me the right forms back yet.

I do not know what your game is son, but I can't send the money until you
a) send me the RIGHT forms
b) send a letter of apology to mary, she hasn't read her email yet
because she is on a business trip, so you'd BETTER make sure that
letter is there before she gets back tomorrow morning.

I don't know how stupid you think *I* am, I do NOT like it when I am
treated like this.
FIRST mary promised me that there would be a nice lad to call me and
sing me a song, THEN she told me all about you and how she was helping
you through college and how she loved it to be able to help such a
nice person, and she promised me to show me a picture of you in one of
your t-shirts, and *I* haven't seen that picture. did you even send
it? you small prick? Mary talks so highly of you, and now you repay
her like this.

I can assure you that you broke her heart. You'd better try and fix

PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 3:19 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

o dear, it looks like he's pised


listen to me well sir

peace to be upon u firstly

business is business and i hate any one can play with me because i hate games too much and i trusted u and i trusted in lady mary and i gave u the designs .

so my right on both of u .

plz plz plz plz i filled the last form for u and i cant endure more than that ,so plz i am in the red now and they gave me another chance at my university till the next monday to be able to pay the fees , i am appealing tou and to mrs mary , send me money as soon as possible and u had already every thing about me , plz plz

that is all i have dear mr jim

peace to be upon u and upon mrs mary plefiled


I think I'll play along a bit, send him a security code Smile
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 07, 2005 11:34 pm Reply with quoteBack to top

This lad is a bit slow. I 'borrowed' his email account for a day and he hasn't noticed!
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